855-TLS-LABS or 800-310-7673

Lightning Flash XL Corners are a heavy duty & LARGER flashing corner design. They are designed for any type of recessed wall condition or transitional flashing application. They make great window pan corners and door pan corners. They are larger than other corners and measure 4 inches on to the framing sill, 4 inches up each side trimmer and 4 inches on to the vertical wall surface. Will you feel better with a larger flashing corner for more protection? Look no further.
These are heavy duty corners for heavy duty applications. These work well for recessed openings that do not have a slope at the lower edge. They work great for window and door pans. Also great for the base of brick wall construction!
The Lightning Flash XL corners may be used with any SAF (peel and stick) flashing product for a long productive life. Lightning Flash XL Corners are proudly made in the USA!
Yes! We have inside corner flashing pieces!
Please call or email for pricing or distribution in your area.